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undha ledha (2017)

Rubin is a student at Harishcandra Prasad Hostel. She is a Muslim and one fine day, she dresses as a Hindu and commits suicide. The cops find this weird and start investigating the case. On the other side, Raja wanted to become a film director and he likes a girl named Nandini. One day, Raja finds Nandini also trying to attempt a suicide. What happens then? How did Raja save Nandini? Who is behind the suicides? forms the story of the movie.

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undha ledha (2017)

Rubin is a student at Harishcandra Prasad Hostel. She is a Muslim and one fine day, she dresses as a Hindu and commits suicide. The cops find this weird and start investigating the case. On the other side, Raja wanted to become a film director and he likes a girl named Nandini. One day, Raja finds Nandini also trying to attempt a suicide. What happens then? How did Raja save Nandini? Who is behind the suicides? forms the story of the movie.

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4.6 10 23 1 critic 5 user
ankitha muler
kumar sai
sai murali
aitham s.kamal

Undha Ledha (2017)

Cast: Ramakrishna
Directors: Amaniganti Venkata Siva Prasad
User: 4.6/10 4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%
Critic: 45 %