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2 idiots (2019)

Ramachandran, a young man who is preparing for his IAS exam, battles his id, which keeps getting him into problems.

The high-concept premise of Nambiyaar is filled with promise — what if a film can give a name and form to a character’s id, and let that character run amok? Jim Carrey’s Me, Myself & Irene explored a form of this concept (where the lead character had split personality) to greatly enjoyable results. Ganeshaa tries something similar (though, this isn’t an ‘inspired’ film). Here, Ramachandran (Srikanth), an ordinary young man preparing for his IAS exam, gives a name (Nambiyaar) and form (taking features from the people he hates most) to his id, and tries to control it. And it is in this battle between Ramachandran and Nambiyaar (Santhanam), that Saroja (Sunaina) gets caught.

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2 idiots (2019)

Ramachandran, a young man who is preparing for his IAS exam, battles his id, which keeps getting him into problems.

The high-concept premise of Nambiyaar is filled with promise — what if a film can give a name and form to a character’s id, and let that character run amok? Jim Carrey’s Me, Myself & Irene explored a form of this concept (where the lead character had split personality) to greatly enjoyable results. Ganeshaa tries something similar (though, this isn’t an ‘inspired’ film). Here, Ramachandran (Srikanth), an ordinary young man preparing for his IAS exam, gives a name (Nambiyaar) and form (taking features from the people he hates most) to his id, and tries to control it. And it is in this battle between Ramachandran and Nambiyaar (Santhanam), that Saroja (Sunaina) gets caught.

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4.6 10 23 0 critic 5 user
parvathy omanakuttan
delhi ganesh
jayaprakash v
john vijay
vijay anthony

2 Idiots (2019)

Cast: Srikanth
Directors: Ganeshaa
User: 4.6/10 4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%
Critic: 0 %