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g - zombie (2021)

In order to reduce the widespread of contamination diseases, a medical student named Sara(Divya Pandey) along with her co-students decides to develop an immunity booster vaccine with the approval of their college dean. In the entire process, they take help from a doctor named Rudra (Aryan Gowra) and start trials on a Captial punishment imposed criminal. As a part of their research, the team injects the vaccine but to their bad luck, the vaccine fails and the person turns into Zombie. It starts attacking the other medical staff and in this horrible situation, how does Aryan Gowra react and saves his team members? That forms the rest of the story.

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g - zombie (2021)

In order to reduce the widespread of contamination diseases, a medical student named Sara(Divya Pandey) along with her co-students decides to develop an immunity booster vaccine with the approval of their college dean. In the entire process, they take help from a doctor named Rudra (Aryan Gowra) and start trials on a Captial punishment imposed criminal. As a part of their research, the team injects the vaccine but to their bad luck, the vaccine fails and the person turns into Zombie. It starts attacking the other medical staff and in this horrible situation, how does Aryan Gowra react and saves his team members? That forms the rest of the story.

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4.4 10 22 2 critic 5 user
aryan gowra
divya pandey
vinod kumar

G - Zombie (2021)

Cast: Aryan Gowra
Directors: Aryan & Deepu
User: 4.4/10 4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%
Critic: 38 %