The Cine Bay

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rendu (2021)

After a couple of failed interviews, few friends of the man's daughter generously offer her a job. Trauma strikes when her trusted friends rape her and throw the body in a remote lake. When the entire law system turns out to be corrupt, her brother brings justice to his sister through a well thought out plan, all while punishing the police officers who were in the way of a genuine verdict.
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rendu (2021)

After a couple of failed interviews, few friends of the man's daughter generously offer her a job. Trauma strikes when her trusted friends rape her and throw the body in a remote lake. When the entire law system turns out to be corrupt, her brother brings justice to his sister through a well thought out plan, all while punishing the police officers who were in the way of a genuine verdict.
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4.6 10 23 0 critic 5 user

Rendu (2021)

Cast: Venky
Directors: Ram
User: 4.6/10 4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%4.6%
Critic: 0 %