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veera shivaji (2021)

Sivaji (Vikram Prabhu), is a middle-class youngster who leads a simple life like the majority of the youngsters. He faces one particular situation, which demands a ransom amount. He tries to get the money and gets trapped into the plan of a money mafia group. Did Sivaji get the money he wanted? Did he escape from the money mafia group?

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veera shivaji (2021)

Sivaji (Vikram Prabhu), is a middle-class youngster who leads a simple life like the majority of the youngsters. He faces one particular situation, which demands a ransom amount. He tries to get the money and gets trapped into the plan of a money mafia group. Did Sivaji get the money he wanted? Did he escape from the money mafia group?

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4.8 10 24 0 critic 5 user
vikram prabhu
mansoor ali khan
yogi babu
d iman
rajasekhar annabheemoj

Veera Shivaji (2021)

Cast: Vikram Prabhu
Directors: Ganesh Vinayak
User: 4.8/10 4.8%4.8%4.8%4.8%4.8%4.8%4.8%4.8%4.8%4.8%
Critic: 0 %