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happy journey (2019)

Happy Journey is the tale of 5 strangers who cross paths on a trip to Bangalore, facilitated by the carpooling vehicle owner/driver-Samurai (the video gamer), Happy (the lonely one), Abhay (the silent charmer), Vivikta (the sanitation police) and Kritika (the rebel). ‘Happy Journey’ unravels interestingly, with Situations unexpected.

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happy journey (2019)

Happy Journey is the tale of 5 strangers who cross paths on a trip to Bangalore, facilitated by the carpooling vehicle owner/driver-Samurai (the video gamer), Happy (the lonely one), Abhay (the silent charmer), Vivikta (the sanitation police) and Kritika (the rebel). ‘Happy Journey’ unravels interestingly, with Situations unexpected.

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4.4 10 22 0 critic 5 user
kalki mitra
vishnu priya
ruchi tripathi
viva harsha chemudu
bharath bandaru
shasi kiran

Happy Journey (2019)

Cast: Kalki Mitra
Directors: Raviteja Bharath
User: 4.4/10 4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%4.4%
Critic: 0 %