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Critic Review
Subhapradam Indu (Manjari Phadnis) has an ear for music. A Brahmin from Kerala she falls in love with Chakri (Allari Naresh) who sings lovely folk songs. He keeps his profession a secret in order to win over her family. On the way home after the wedding Indu bumps into an old man played by Sarath Babu and gets into an animated conversation for a brief period and he likes her instantly. Infact after sometime Indu brings him home and nurses him to health after he is found lying unconscious on the road. The couple are surprised when they are invited to his palatial home and when Sarath Babu expresses his desire to adopt Indu. Indu declines the offer politely and inturn makes Sarath Babu adopt a mentally deranged youth who has an integral role to play in the film. What happens in the second part of the film forms the crux of the story..  (May 27, 2013)
Rating:  2/5

Bharatstudent Verdict: Disappointing!!.

(read more...)  (May 27, 2013)
Rating:  2.5/5

All in all, 'Subhapradam' is not a movie, which great director K Vishwanath would like to remember - Perhaps the odd film from his campaign. But that’s the beauty of the entertainment industry. It’s a great leveler and we can never rely on part laur.

(read more...)  (May 27, 2013)
Rating:  2/5

We wouldn't recommend this as great cinema, but watch it if you can tolerate the extremes of mediocrity from a man who once delivered nothing less than excellence..

(read more...)  (May 27, 2013)
Rating:  2/5

The storyline chosen by the director is good as it has several delicate issues in our regular family lives. The way he portrayed the relationship between the character is trustworthy but the film has to pay the price for degradation of Naresh"s character.

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Rated 2.125 4