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Critic Review
Varna There is a parallel universe concept at play here. Arya and Anushka exist on the earth as well as on a strange planet. On the earth, they are known as Madhu Balakrishna and Ramya. In that other strange world, they are Mahendra and Varna. In this world, they are in love. But in that world also, they are in love (They just don’t know it). In this world, Anushka loves Arya and chases him initially, but in that world, Arya is the one who loves Anushka. But in both the worlds, the common thing is love (Once again, they just don’t know it). In case you are getting confused between this world and that world, that is essentially the aim of the filmmaker of this world. He wants to take you away from this world, into that world. On a more serious note, Madhu and Ramya are tragically separated on Earth. But Madhu’s love for Ramya is so strong that he is transported/teleported/undefinedtravelmechanism into the other world, where Varna is still alive. On that other planet, two clans fight over a mystical goddess known as Amma. Meanwhile, a triangular love story develops between Varna, Mahendra and Madhu Balakrishna. Yes, two Aryas are interested in one Anushka. Isn’t it very exciting? Can you blame poor Anushka for choosing an alien lover over a boring Mahendra. Oh no, but that is not what happens. Who ends up with Anushka aka Varna? Well, you need to watch ‘Varna’ for that..  (Nov 22, 2013)
Rating:  2/5

Overall,an un-conventional flick from the director and the producer.This will not fit the bill.A routine movie goer will not at all like this movie.If at all you do not have any other work,feeling bored over the week-end,you can give a try. -.

(read more...)  (Nov 22, 2013)
Rating:  1.5/5

As per general audience and commercial BO standards, ‘Varna’ has no value. This remains as a Deluxe Plush product with Flushed Out budget and impoverished Content from a Passionate director. Lack of strength in explaining the key story matter and flat.

(read more...)  (Nov 22, 2013)
Rating:  1/5

How do you feel when you open a colorful and inviting sweet packet and see fungus filled sweets in it? Varna is such a film, which will puke you with its 'creativity' and gives you a migraine and haunts you forever with its unbearable torture. Just stay.

(read more...)  (Nov 22, 2013)
Rating:  0.5/5

All in all, this is one mess of a product but a good lesson to filmmakers on how not to make a film. Bottomline: VARNAnaateetam -.

(read more...)  (Nov 22, 2013)
Rating:  1.5/5

A good production house with deep pockets was taken for a ride by the director with a farcical script and atrocious screenplay. Films like ‘Varna’ are a rarity. They fall into the ‘never before, never again’ category. Film school students must be .

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Rated 1.3 5