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Tata Birla Madhyalo Laila - Nee Body

tata birla madhyalo laila - nee body

tata birla madhyalo laila - nee body

Tata (Sivaji) and his friend Birla (Krishna Bhagawan) were petty thieves. They used to steal money and enjoy their life without any kind of responsibility. Once they happen to learn that someone is planning a big deal with a Mumbai goon for Rs 30 lakh. In order to gain from that deal, Tata and Birla kidnap that goon and enter into the deal with the other party. Gajapati (Tanikella Bharani) is a big realtor. Ratnam (Jeeva), who was his protege once, turns a rival to him in his profession. Gajapati has a foster daughter Mahalaxmi (Laya). She has a very kind heart and loves her father Gajapati very much.

In fact Mahalaxmi loses her parents in her childhood and was brought up by Gajapati. As per the 'will' of Mahalaxmi's father, she turns the owner of the entire property after attaining majority. Tata and Birla get employment in Gajapati's house and accidentally they prove themselves as very loyal to Mahalaxmi.

Now, Gajapati plans to eliminate Mahalaxmi to grab her property and tells Tata and Birla to kill her. But, by that time Tata and Mahalaxmi fall in love. So Tata and Birla decide to save her from the clutches of Gajapati. At the same time, Ratnam, in order to take revenge decide to kill Mahalaxmi, whom Gajapati loves very much.

At is behest one Masthan (Ali) joins the Gajapati family in a woman's attire as Laila, thinking that he would have more proximity to Mahalaxmi to kill her. However, Tata and Birla come to know through Dorababu (Raghubabu), that Laila is none other than Masthan, who is also a petty thief like them. Now those who were employed to kill Mahalaxmi decide to save her. The film ends on a happy note with Gajapati realizing the true love of Mahalaxmi towards him as a father.

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