The Cine Bay

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Donga Sachinollu - Yaaro Yaaro

donga sachinollu - yaaro yaaro

donga sachinollu - yaaro yaaro

Brothers Ramudu (Raghubabu) and Kamudu (Krishna Bhagawan) were brought up by their uncle and aunt (Chandramohan and Sakuntala). Their older sister gets married to a well-to-do NRI (Vinod Kumar) and has a daughter Kavya (Rambha). Ramudu and Kamudu, who are less than intelligent, are treated like fools by the entire village, including their aunt and uncle. Kavya finds herself penniless as the court seizes her parents' entire assets. In these circumstances, do Ramudu and Kamudu take responsibility for their niece? Does one of them marry Kavya according to their deceased sister's wishes? More importantly, does Kavya develop any romantic feelings for either of the brothers? There lies the substance of the story.

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