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Koosindhi Koyila Video Song - Pellamtho Panenti

koosindhi koyila video song - pellamtho panenti

koosindhi koyila video song - pellamtho panenti

Madhu (Venu) owns a huge beauty parlour. He is a bigtime Casanova who does not believe in love and marriage. Once, Sireesha (Laya), a medical transcriptionist by profession, happens to see him and loses her heart. She makes several attempts to drag Madhu into her love trap, but in vein. Once, Madhu goes on a foreign jaunt there Kalyani (Kalyani) sees him after a few encounters Kalyani falls in love with Madhu. Both the girls pester him to love them. Once, Kalyani sees Madhu going with Sireesha. Both of them meet in a temple and challenge each other that they would drag Madhu in love trap. Finally, Kalyani tells Madhu that she will not live for long and asks Madhu to accept her love. But Madhu thinks that she is bluffing and sends her out of his beauty parlour. He tells Sireesha when she meets him about Kalyani. However, Sireesha finds her case sheet and rushes to Madhu and tells him that Kalyani was telling the truth. Both Madhu and Sireesha come to know that Kalyani has a bullet injury and that bullet is in her skull and is moving towards her brain, which will lead to her death. Madhu sympathizes with Kalyani and accepts her love. Later, Sireesha tells Madhu that a German doctor dealt with such a case. Madhu and Sireesha go to Germany and meet the doctor and explain him the entire case of Kalyani. They convince him to perform surgery on Kalyani. The German doctor performs the surgery successfully on Kalyani. In the climax, Madhu tells Kalyani that his true love is Sireesha and also tells her that he understands the importance of a wife in a man's life. Finally Madhu weds Sireesha.

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