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Movie Scenes - Vishal Kidnaping Peda Pichayya

movie scenes - vishal kidnaping peda pichayya

movie scenes - vishal kidnaping peda pichayya

Satyam (Vishal) is an ACP by profession, who sticks to sincerity in duty and goes to any extent to get criminals behind bars. He is also against encounters that simply erase the criminals and the real motive or people behind them. Home Minister Kondala Rao (Kota Srinivasa Rao) tries to clear his way of opponents to become the CM at a time when the latter is in the hospital. He plans to kill his contenders for the position - Cabinet Ministers Mahadevayya (Santhana Bharathi), Chandramathi (Apoorva), and Punyakoti (Jeeva) and beckons his conman Delhi Babu (Ravi Kale) to get the job done by an outsider. Enters Prathapa Rudra (Upendra), who eventually kills Mahadevayya and Chandramathi, at which time Kondala Rao learns that he's not the killer chosen by his man! Then, he realizes that this man could be sent by Punyakoti to kill him instead! Who's this killer Prathapa Rudra then? Who sent Prathapa Rudra? Who's next in his hit list? Did Satyam put a check to Prathapa Rudra? Answers to all these questions form the rest of the story.

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