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Pelli Movie -o Yavvana Veena Puvvula Vaana

pelli movie -o yavvana veena puvvula vaana

pelli movie -o yavvana veena puvvula vaana

Naveen wants to marry the girl he likes at first sight. He sees Maheswari in a shopping mall promptly falls in love .Soon he goes on a mission in search of her only to find her in a colony surrounded by comedians and a lonely sad, pathetic looking Sujatha as her mother. But Sujatha is mother-inlaw of Maheswari and Privriraj is a sadict and think that he is dead . Both Naveen and Maheswari fall in love with the help of the comedians gang and that leads to the marriage. But on Prithvi returns and reclaim his possession. What can a good mother do to stop the evil son. Like in all those good old sentimental movies, she poisons him and kills herself too for the sake of a peaceful life for her daughter-in-law. Hence mothers-in-law are dedicated

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