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Uyyala Jampala Movie Raj Tarun Comedy With Friends

uyyala jampala movie raj tarun comedy with friends

uyyala jampala movie raj tarun comedy with friends

The story of this film revolves around Suri (Raj Tharun) and Uma Devi (Avika Gor), who happen to be cousins (Bava & Maradhalu). They grow up together and have a love hate relationship of sorts. Suri takes pleasure in playing practical jokes on Uma Devi while the young lady has her own ways of taking revenge.

Uma Devi’s family is relatively well off while Suri works hard to support his mother (Anita Chowdary). Uma Devi falls in love with a crook named Pardhu and she is trapped by the sweet talking liar. Just as her life is about to take a disastrous turn, she is rescued by Suri.

After this incident, Uma and Suri discover that they admire each other deeply. However, family issues stand in their way and a marriage alliance is arranged for Uma Devi. What will Suri do? Will he muster the courage to declare his love for Uma Devi?

That forms the story of this movie.

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8.75 10 35 8 critic 4 user