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Naa Gundelo - Illu Illalu Pillalu - Sharada

naa gundelo - illu illalu pillalu - sharada

naa gundelo - illu illalu pillalu - sharada

llu Illalu Pillalu is a story of a middle class man who has lots of problems in his life.Subbayya (Visa) and his wife Laxmi (Sharda) has four children.Subayya is a person who has failed to give them a good future.But as the time passes all his childre gets settled.Subayya has a house problem, thats why he decides to build his own house.At this moment he comes to know the actual charcters of his children.Watch out what happened to Subayya and his wife and did Subayya build his own house or not in the movie Illu Illalu Pillalu

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