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Google Lo Nene Full Video Song | Shekaram Gari Abbayi Movie

google lo nene full video song | shekaram gari abbayi movie

google lo nene full video song | shekaram gari abbayi movie

Hero Sadhik (Vinnu Mardhapati) lives with his family beside heroine Apsara (Akshata)'s family. He loves her in the first sight itself. He starts doing friendship with her and slowly converts that into love but she rejects his love because he does not do anything great. Having disappointed with the same the hero starts his journey to become a good samaratarian in the society. In the meantime, a random guy who wants to take revenge over the hero starts becoming close to the heroine. What happens next? Will the hero be able to win heroine's love? Forms the rest of the story.

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