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Rushi (Aravind Krishna) is an arrogant medico, who wins hearts of his co students and tutors slowly. Pooja (Supriya Sailaja) and Rushi’s friendship starts with few misunderstandings and later they fall in love. Rushi gives aid to Karthik, a seven year old boy in an emergency. That irks the authorities and they reprimand him for treating a kid without proper knowledge. Rushi learns that Karthik is suffering from heart ailment and there is a need of heart transplant. Meanwhile, Rushi suffers with brain tumor and he wants his heart to be transplanted for Karthik. Rest of the film is about Rushi’s legal struggle and his battle to save Karthik.

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Rushi (Aravind Krishna) is an arrogant medico, who wins hearts of his co students and tutors slowly. Pooja (Supriya Sailaja) and Rushi’s friendship starts with few misunderstandings and later they fall in love. Rushi gives aid to Karthik, a seven year old boy in an emergency. That irks the authorities and they reprimand him for treating a kid without proper knowledge. Rushi learns that Karthik is suffering from heart ailment and there is a need of heart transplant. Meanwhile, Rushi suffers with brain tumor and he wants his heart to be transplanted for Karthik. Rest of the film is about Rushi’s legal struggle and his battle to save Karthik.

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5.5 10 55 2 critic 10 user
aravind krishna
supriya shailaja
ramesh prasad


Cast: Aravind Krishna
Directors: Raj Madiraj
User: 5.5/10 5.5%5.5%5.5%5.5%5.5%5.5%5.5%5.5%5.5%5.5%
Critic: 45 %