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shiva 2006

Shiva (Mohit Ahlawat) is the good police officer, bent on doing his duty, while the rest of the police force, excluding his friends are all the villainous cops. This extends to the home minister who threatens him after Shiva punishes wrong-doers, some of them who work for all these high-profile officers. Shiva ends up arresting Bappu, a criminal-turned-politician and finishes his whole gang in a bid to un-corrupt the 'system' that the home-minister warns Shiva about.

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shiva 2006

Shiva (Mohit Ahlawat) is the good police officer, bent on doing his duty, while the rest of the police force, excluding his friends are all the villainous cops. This extends to the home minister who threatens him after Shiva punishes wrong-doers, some of them who work for all these high-profile officers. Shiva ends up arresting Bappu, a criminal-turned-politician and finishes his whole gang in a bid to un-corrupt the 'system' that the home-minister warns Shiva about.

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mohit ahlawat
nisha kothari
shereveer vakil
upendra limaye
dilip prabhavaklar
zakir hussain
ninad kamat
nagesh bhosale
ranvir shorey
ram gopal varma

Shiva 2006

Cast: Mohit Ahlawat
Directors: Ram Gopal Varma
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