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veedokkade (2009)

Deva (Surya) is a smuggler who works under the number one mafia don Das (Prabhu). Kamlesh (Akashdeep Saigal) forms the rival mafia group and he wants to take over Das in business. Deva’s main work includes smuggling diamonds from African countries. Chitti (Jegan) is Deva’s sidekick. Das has some principles and he never deals with drugs. The rest of the story is all about what happens between Deva and Kamlesh.

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veedokkade (2009)

Deva (Surya) is a smuggler who works under the number one mafia don Das (Prabhu). Kamlesh (Akashdeep Saigal) forms the rival mafia group and he wants to take over Das in business. Deva’s main work includes smuggling diamonds from African countries. Chitti (Jegan) is Deva’s sidekick. Das has some principles and he never deals with drugs. The rest of the story is all about what happens between Deva and Kamlesh.

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7.2 10 72 2 critic 10 user
akashdeep saigal
harris jayaraj
m. s. guhan
m. saravanan

Veedokkade (2009)

Cast: Suriya
Directors: K. V. Anand
User: 7.2/10 7.2%7.2%7.2%7.2%7.2%7.2%7.2%7.2%7.2%7.2%
Critic: 70 %