The Cine Bay

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Shakuni Kamal’s (Karthi) ancestral property is being forcibly taken by the government to construct a railway subway. He goes to Hyderabad to ask the help of politicians. He realises that the politicians are forgetting their electoral promises once they get into power. He decides that he should get his property back by applying political pressure to the CM. In the process, he becomes the kingmaker. The rest of the story is all about how he gets back his property. .
burle (Sep 08, 2016)

G V Prakash pitches in at times, as well. Na Muthukumar`s lyrics, peppered with standard phrases are strictly serviceable. Run-of-the-mill, from which Sonu Nigam`s voice rescues us at times.

chiru123 (Sep 08, 2016)

Sakuni is a political drama with entertaining elements. The film opens on an entertaining note and doesn`t bother about the story until the interval point. Actual story starts in the second half and it is mostly about the political game that is played by the hero

Venu (Sep 08, 2016)

nice movie dont listen to this cretics if ulike karthi watch it in theater 100% entertainment and the karthi had good job and the comedy of santhanam is very good to watch.

Rated 1.9 3