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Aag Ka Gola

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Aag Ka Gola After being framed for a theft he did not commit, young Shankar runs from the police, into his mother's arms, who passes away from shock after she witnesses the police arrest her son. Shankar escapes from the police and ends up working for Raja Babu, a criminal don. Years later, Shankar, who is now known as Shaka, still works for Raja Baba. One day Raja asks Shaka to abduct a child. Things do terribly wrong, with the child's mother dying from shock. A devastated Shaka relates this situation to his mother's passing, and surrenders to the police. He is found guilty, convicted and sentenced to prison for five years. When he saves the life of a visiting Member of Parliament, the authorities condone three years of his sentence, and he is released. He decides to go straight, avoids working with Raja, meets a young woman named Aarti, marries her, gets a job as a mechanic in a garage....