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Taskara (2016)

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Taskara (2016) The movie begins with the futuristic London of 2062 where a Financial Times journalist is shown researching about currencies. He finally finds the clue about an anonymous professor of Economics and leaves to meet him in India. The journalist is looking for reasons and asks the professor 3 questions. The first being why World Bank and IMF no longer exist, why & how did the paper money come to an end and the world adopted cryptocurrency and what is Counter Economic Hitmen Agency. The professor turns around and starts explaining to the journalist..
sai tarun(Sep 08, 2016)

loved it a lot . highly recommend it , very technical and new to telugu movies concept . however , production values could have been better. but vfx , sound design , story and plot are highlights.

burle (Sep 08, 2016)

A logical crime thriller with intelligent hacking theme, handeled a complex subject in an interesting manner... A must watch movie, one of its kind.

Venu (Sep 08, 2016)

Heard from a Friend of mine that it's based on economics which pretty excites me nd I feel it's gonna be a very good movie..will watch it for sure...:)

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